Milky Way Partnership, Nigeria

DGBP Projects / DMDP Projects

This ambitious project is set to modernize and expand Somaliland’s fisheries sector. By focusing on immediate needs and laying a foundation for... Learn more
This project aims to develop a business case for sustainable coffee production and natural resource management by improving climate and income... Learn more
This project aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers by establishing a fair trade in organic wild certified coffee from sustainably... Learn more
Lack of adequate management of groundwater resources leads to rapid depletion of groundwater tables and pollution by intruding saltwater in fragile... Learn more
Uganda’s transport sector runs almost entirely on imported, non-renewable energy, causing alarming rates of greenhouse gas emissions and air... Learn more
By avoiding deforestation and concurrently restoring degraded forest on carbon-rich peat swamps in the Mawas area in Kalimantan, this project... Learn more
The objective of this project is to mature the commercial distribution model of the SaWa (safe water) solar-purified, affordable, and... Learn more
Although 70% of Uganda’s population is employed in agriculture, low farm productivity results in their collective contribution of only 24.1%... Learn more
The project aims to create an industry first ‘pay-for-impact’ model whereby carbon ‘impact units’ (verified scope 3... Learn more
This project is pioneering a green, sustainable, and commercially viable dairy value chain in Southwest... Learn more
Household organic waste makes up over 60% of municipal waste but is currently un-valued, un-collected, and a source of pollution. This project thus... Learn more
This project establishes a low carbon cement and green concrete production demonstration plant in Ukraine. The project aims to create a viable... Learn more
Climate change, food insecurity, and malnutrition are some of the biggest challenges in... Learn more
This project addresses the environmental challenges faced in San Andrés, Colombia, by replacing single-use cups with reusable ones in the local... Learn more
The project entails a community-corporate partnership model, led by Slow and WWF that aims to build sustainable, resilient, and inclusive forest... Learn more
The project aims to address deforestation and poverty associated with cocoa production by designing and implementing a responsible sourcing model... Learn more
In Colombia, 1,250,000 tonnes of plastic waste are generated annually and up to 74% of packing ends up in landfill. To address this issue, Dynatest,... Learn more
The objective of this project is to validate how the use of agri-waste can reduce CO2 emissions, while creating jobs, increasing incomes, and... Learn more
The project aims to develop socially and environmentally responsible as well as transparent value chains for organic vanilla and cocoa, produced... Learn more
The project in Northern Uganda is designed to build climate resilience among smallholder farmers (including refugees, women, and youth) through the... Learn more
The dairy partnership project in Nigeria is focused on developing a climate-resilient, sustainable, and productive dairy value chain. This... Learn more
The project’s aim is to establish a green production landscape that encompasses regenerative farming, increased biodiversity, and resilience... Learn more
The project in Nakuru and Nyandarua counties of Kenya aims to develop a sustainable business model and financing solution for smallholder farmers,... Learn more
The project addresses Bangladesh’s most pressing challenge in the nexus of climate, energy, and poverty by providing affordable access to clean... Learn more
This project aims to provide accessible, affordable, and economically produced clean water by installing Eco Water Dispensers at 65 locations across... Learn more
Climate change presents a significant challenge to food production in Eastern Africa. This project aims to reduce climate vulnerabilities and... Learn more
WaterStarters (WS) adopts an ecosystem approach to protect people, animals, and the environment from climate change impact by providing sustainable... Learn more
This project focuses on advancing an ethical, export-based, and inclusive business model for the dates value chain in Palestine, promoting... Learn more
The Fair Recycling Project, funded by Danida Market Development Partnerships (DMDP), has successfully established an inclusive and formalized... Learn more
Access2innovation and key commercial partner BM Silo, will in partnership with ENGSKO Ktd., Gl. Buurholt Ltd., Opportunity International UK and... Learn more
Saffron is a global, climate-resilient, gender-sensitive and high-value export commodity. The Afghan saffron export market is the third-largest in... Learn more
Tanzania is among the world’s largest producers of raw cashew nuts and accounts for 75% of the total production in East Africa. Unfortunately, the... Learn more
The More with Less in the Philippine Coconut Industry (MWL) project is a collaborative initiative led by a consortium comprising of Philippine... Learn more
Background Indonesia’s dairy sector faces significant challenges, including low milk productivity, economic difficulties, animal welfare... Learn more
Bangladesh is facing a significant plastic waste problem. Each year an estimated 800,000 tonnes of plastic waste are generated. Most single-use... Learn more
Unlike other African markets, the Nigerian aquaculture industry is highly fragmented, consisting majorly of smallholder farmers with little access... Learn more
Plastic with Purpose (PwP) project’s vision has been to cultivate plastic waste recycling as a profitable venture while reducing the flow of... Learn more
The project aims to unleash the potential of Ethiopia’s papaya value chain by developing, testing and demonstrating a model for a new value chain... Learn more
It is estimated that one-third of Kenya’s post-harvest seafood is lost before it can be sold and safely consumed with loss of income for... Learn more
Kenya is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest coffee, celebrated for its unique flavour profile and high quality. It is... Learn more
Tourism is one of the strongest drivers of world trade and prosperity and contributes to 10% of global GDP. Its capacity to generate jobs, increase... Learn more
In the last 20 years, global demand for shea has increased by 600%, and industry experts forecast a further 50% increase within the next 5... Learn more
The Agri-Tech Project worked to bolster smallholder farmers in Kenya facing challenges from unpredictable weather and inadequate financing for... Learn more
  The challenges related to plastic waste are expected to grow exponentially as population increases, exacerbating environmental pollution and... Learn more
MORE-HONEY promoted the development of an equitable honey value chain in Northern Uganda (Karamoja and Acholi Region) one of the poorest regions of... Learn more
The Sustainable Integration of Philippine Smallholder Farmers into the Global Cocoa Value Chain is a 5-year project that aims to create sustainable... Learn more
Kafa Biosphere Reserve in Ethiopia, the origin of Arabica coffee, is increasingly challenged by the lack of sustainable employment, income and... Learn more
“Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth through the Valorization of Coconut Husks” is a project that aims at creating sustainable jobs and raising... Learn more
The ACTIOM project in Myanmar (2019-2023) contributed to the achievement of SDG 8 by establishing a clear pathway for smallholder farmers to benefit... Learn more
This project is a partnership between CARE, BLUETOWN and local strategic partners. The project promotes digital transformation as an enabler for... Learn more
  The project “Pushti Ambassadors Partnership – Creating jobs for female entrepreneurs in Bangladesh” has contributed to women’s... Learn more
The project was funded by Danida Market Development Partnerships (DMPD) and DanChurchAid Uganda managed the project that also comprised Lishe, a... Learn more
The WE SolVE project furthered DMDP’s objectives of increasing access to employment, economic opportunity, and clean energy for women in rural... Learn more
The aim of this project was to create decent employment and income for 3000 women sales agents known as “JazzCash GuddiBajis” across 10... Learn more
Nigeria’s dairy sector face numerous challenges, including low milk productivity, economic difficulties, and the need for sustainable practices.... Learn more
  The aim of the project is to promote sustainable market development in Ethiopia by increasing productivity of local and smallholder farmers... Learn more
The objective of the MYPOD project is to improve the quality of jobs and create sustainable increased value addition and participation in the global... Learn more
Enhancing crop yield and profitability in Kenya through biological plant... Learn more
The project, with the long-term objective of reducing poverty, stimulating economic growth, and increasing sustainable energy supply, aimed to... Learn more