Financing Empowerment of Local Communities and Mitigating Climate Change through a Carbon Credit Business Partnership

By avoiding deforestation and concurrently restoring degraded forest on carbon-rich peat swamps in the Mawas area in Kalimantan, this project will mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity, and empower local communities. The project aims to develop a mutually beneficial partnership model that will pilot and develop an innovative, long-term financing model of community-led forest management through carbon credit payments.

The project aims to empower indigenous people and local communities (IPLCs) and mitigate climate change by establishing a mutually beneficial carbon credit business partnership, strengthening tenure rights, and promoting sustainable forest management. This will be achieved through a robust carbon credit scheme ensuring sustained production of high-quality carbon credits, and a transparent and secure developer-vendor-purchaser model.

Administrative Partner Save the Orangutan Foundation
Key Commercial Partner Orsted Nature Based Solutions (Ørsted)
Other Partners Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
Country Indonesia
Sector Forest
Open / Closed Open
Duration April 2024 - April 2029
Approval Year 2023