WE SoLVE, Tanzania

Six new DMDP partnerships approved

General 01 Sep, 2020

The DMDP Secretariat is happy to announce that six new partnerships have been approved and will begin implementation in 2020. The newly approved projects will take place in Kenya and Nigeria and involve a total of 19 commercial and non-commercial partners. The projects range from solar energy for small-scale fishers to banana and coffee farming to tourism through platform technology, and all contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 (decent work and economic growth). The projects are to be implemented over the next five years with a view to becoming self-sustaining beyond 2025.

  • The Taveta Banana Project in Kenya will entail setting up a 300-acre organic banana farm, delivering a fruit pulp processing factory and building local capacity with a view to enhancing market access for smallholder farmers. Project by MESPT / ORANA / Wanda Agriculture Group.
  • Agri-Tech for Climate Resilience in Kenya seeks to improve climate resilience and financial inclusion by facilitating access to advisory services, empowering farmers economically and implementing a climate-adapted tool for financial service providers. Project by DanChurchAid / Ingemann / Juhudi Kilimo / Momentum Trust.
  • Locally Driven Tourism in Kenya will facilitate a transition to profitable community tourism and support the entry into the tourism sector of marginalised groups, by training community organisations and enabling market access through an online platform. Project by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke / ActionAid Denmark / I Like Local.
  • TRACE Kenya aims to establish an inclusive, market-driven and sustainable coffee sub-sector, supporting 15,000 farmers in a quest to deliver Kenya’s first certified organic coffee. The project entails building capacity of smallholder coffee farmers and developing profitable business cases. Project by Solidaridad ECA / African Coffee Roasters / Stichting Solidaridad Nederland.
  • Women in the Shea Industry in Nigeria seeks to meet the rising demand for sustainably sourced vegetable oils whilst increasing women’s market power and guaranteeing the traceability of the source of shea. The project will deliver training, business management and skill-building in order to build women’s capacity to engage with the shea industry. Project by MEDA / AAK / GSA / NASPAN.
  • Solar for Cooling in Kenya addresses the economic challenges faced by small-scale fishers and the absence of necessary cold storage equipment. The project will integrate off-grid energy and refrigeration solutions whilst building capacity of fishers and enhancing their access to markets and finance. Project by WWF / M-PAYG / WWF Kenya.

More details about the partnerships can be found under the ‘Projects’ page of this website. Congratulations to all new partners!


Photos: Top left: Taveta Banana Project by MESPT / ORANA / Wanda Agriculture Group
Top right: Agri-Tech for Climate Resilience by DanChurchAid / Ingemann / Juhudi Kilimo / Momentum Trust
Bottom left: Locally Driven Tourism by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke / ActionAid Denmark / I Like Local
Bottom right: TRACE Kenya by Solidaridad ECA / African Coffee Roasters / Stichting Solidaridad Nederland