Clean Energy Drinking Water Solutions

The objective of this project is to mature the commercial distribution model of the SaWa (safe water) solar-purified, affordable, and climate-friendly drinking water solutions in Kenya. This is done while generating income for women and reducing risks of water-borne diseases and greenhouse gas emissions from boiling water with firewood, thereby improving livelihoods for poor families. Additionally, a recycling scheme for the SaWa products is explored.

Through the structures of MYWO, Africa’s largest women’s organisation, women are targeted as SaWa sales agents in their local communities thereby contributing totheir economic and social empowerment. Beyond reducing waterborne diseases, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation, providing SaWa products to women and girls in rural Kenya promotes gender equality by decreasing the time spent collecting water and firewood.

Administrative Partner Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organisation (MYWO)
Key Commercial Partner 4LifeSolutions
Other Partners Access2Innovation
Country Kenya
Sector Water
Open / Closed Open
Duration January 2024 - December 2024
Approval Year 2023