
Wassa Amenfi Cocoa Landscape Initiative, Ghana

The project aims to address deforestation and poverty associated with cocoa production by designing and implementing a responsible sourcing model that offers tailored solutions to cocoa communities, further strengthened by multi-stakeholder collaboration and research. This is done through the expansion of Ferrero’s sustainable cocoa sourcing policy, in line with new EU legislation supporting the sourcing and traceability of deforestation-free cocoa.

By supporting deforestation-free cocoa production, boosting productivity, enhancing climate resilience, and providing additional income from ecosystem services and payments, the project increases and diversifies income sources for cocoa farmers in the Western South region. Set to be a model for EU-compliant cocoa sourcing, it has the potential for replication in other cocoa-producing regions and countries, which positions the project as a vital step for sustainable cocoa-sourcing, mitigating future cocoa supply risks in the face of climate change, farmer exit from cocoa production and deforestation.

Administrative Partner Preferred by Nature
Key Commercial Partner Ferrero Group
Other Partners Rikolto International (Ghana Field Office), Solidaridad West Africa
Country Ghana
Sector Forest
Open / Closed Open
Duration July 2023 - December 2027
Approval Year 2022