Harvesting Carbon – Pioneering a pay-for-impact model for carbon mitigation and adaptation in coffee

The project aims to create an industry first ‘pay-for-impact’ model whereby carbon ‘impact units’ (verified scope 3 reductions) are produced and traded alongside agricultural commodities, creating a scalable market-based solution to environmental challenges. 4,500 farmers (male, female, youth farmers and working wives) are supported to transition to low-carbon and regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, climate smart agricultural practices, ensuring compliance to new EU regulations. This thus improves and diversifies market access as well as improves livelihoods for farmers.

The project makes substantial contributions towards poverty reduction through improved incomes and livelihoods for farmers, transfer of knowledge and skills from world class institutions to local farmers, increasing access to international markets, and diversification of income streams and earning foreign exchange for Uganda. Additionally, the project strengthensĀ climate change adaptation and resilience, especially for vulnerable groups of farmers, through innovation in the sustainable management of farmlands, reducing deforestation, biodiversity loss, and more.

Administrative Partner Stichting Solidaridad Nederland
Key Commercial Partner Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse
Other Partners Fondazione Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Onlus, Merrild Kaffe, Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise
Country Uganda
Sector Agriculture & agro-processing
Open / Closed Open
Duration May 2024 - March 2027
Approval Year 2023