
Monitoring visit to Uganda

General, News 28 Sep, 2022

Two of our colleagues from the DMDP secretariat traveled to Uganda last month to oversee three of the DMDP projects, MORE-HONEY, The Fruit Nexus Project, and the Integrated Grain Handling project. The visits were both interesting and helpful for the overall monitoring of each project’s process.

The team visited the site of the project MORE-HONEY in Northern Uganda, a project that promotes local economic development through technological innovation in the honey value chain. The project targets 2,000 smallholder farmers, who will benefit from increased skills and access to reliable and profitable markets.

The Fruit Nexus project contributes to sustainable livelihoods by improving income security for refugees and host communities, especially women and youth in Uganda. The commercial objective of the project is to boost local market development through the sale and export of organically certified fresh fruits and vegetables, based on a sustainable business case.

The Integrated Grain Handling project is targeted to improve livelihood in rural areas in Uganda by creating employment opportunities, especially for women and youth. The aim is to decrease postharvest losses by improving the quality of grain handling, drying, and storage.

You can read more about the specific projects on the projects page.